Online Assessments


We have developed several online assessment tools that can help you implement every aspect of our frameworks and standards.

Our online assessment types detail the FULL requirements for each criterion, enabling assessors to complete a comprehensive review.

This will typically be used by an organisation, and/or its consultants as well as our certification partners to assess progress and the overall result – determining your performance against our ICXS2019 or IDCXS2022 standard. This makes it extremely helpful as a continuous improvement and benchmarking tool.

All assessment reports conducted by or for an organisation are retained securely within our online portal. These can then be printed for circulation or a more comprehensive internal review.

Typical Assessment Report generated by the system


Assessment Types

All registered users have the option to conduct various types of assessments through our Online Reporting Solution.

Gap Analysis (First Assessment)

This assessment allows organisation management to understand where they are, on the journey towards excellence. This is a comprehensive first point in the Journey and an essential part of Learning for each of our Standards. The Report produced provides comprehensive detailed analysis of the findings and includes a clear action plan on what to focus on, including the Quick Wins

Continuous Improvement Assessment

This assessment allows organisation management to understand how the organisation is progressing in comparison to the previous assessment, providing benchmarks on the journey towards excellence, and in many cases towards BSI Certification. This is an essential Assessment, typically conducted 6 months after the previous assessment and definitely prior to a BSI certification or ongoing surveillance assessment. The report produced provides comprehensive detailed analysis of the findings and includes a clear action plan on what to focus on, including the Quick Wins.

Certification And Surveillence Assessments

The British Standards Institution (BSI) is the exclusive global Certification Partner of ICXI and as such they are the only body approved to conduct Certification and Surveillance Assessments.

Re-assessment criteria

Certification is valid for a maximum of 3 years including surveillance assessment by one of our Partners each year during this period. If you would like to request further re-assessment, you may do so no earlier than 6 months after a previous certification assessment.

All assessment results are completed and reported online, with comments for each criterion from the assessors. These are then generated as a PDF report with the overall customer experience service excellence performance score and results for each individual section.

A history of every assessment is also retained online for further reference and benchmarking.

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