Offering Standards focused on Customer Experience and Employee Happiness

Introducing the Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Standard 2023

ICXI are pleased to announce with our exclusive Certification partner BSI, the launch of the World’s First Employee Happiness & Wellbeing Standard – IEHWS2023

This Standard has been developed by ICXI with input and engagement from experienced human resources specialists, psychologists, healthiness and wellbeing academics, specialists, and experts, additionally customer experience management professionals, academics in the CX field, the ICXI certification body BSI (, ICXI certified organisations and CX consulting professionals globally.


At the core of the new IDCXS standard is the original 5Ps Service Excellence Model. This was created and developed as part of a study at Brunel University in the UK to identify all the elements within an organisation which impact service quality.


The International Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Standard- IEHWS2023 reflects the dramatically increased international growth in scale, reach and scope of the need for employers to develop practices that deliver happiness levels and actively promote and support wellbeing within their employees.


For private sector organisations in a competitive world, high standards of customer service and experience are often a key differentiator. At the same time, public sector organisations also need to show that they are responsive, reliable and respectful to consumer needs.

What do I get for taking the survey?

You will receive a full report breaking down your organisations performance levels in the delivery of Employee Happiness and Wellbeing.

The survey splits your performance into each of the six Vector6 performance indicators and informs you on more detailed specifics on the types of practices associated with each element. You will receive a score in one of 4 main bands, these are:

  • Transformational Leading Organisation
  • Practice Expert Organisation
  • Pioneering Organisation
  • Trailing Edge Organisation

The People Imperative

The value and necessity of the role of employees in resolving the service quality/customer experience equation has always been well understood. The Covid Pandemic brought this factor into even sharper relief as organisations were required to develop new operational processes and methods to meet the needs of both employees and customers. A challenge that was met with a highly variable range of success.

Part of the reason for some of the less successful approaches may well have been due to neither employer nor employees developing a working relationship based on mutually accepted standards designed to deliver a mutually beneficial outcome. As the ratio of more digital to less human customer contact increases so the importance of every customer contact with a real employee producing a positive experience is further increased.

In recognising this rising imperative, The International Customer Experience Institute has developed this new standard:

Its primary aim is to provide organisations of all sizes in all sectors with the means and methodology to create the most positive and productive operational environment possible for the mutual benefit of the customer, the employee, and the organisation,

Vector 6 Model

The Vector 6 Model has been developed with input and engagement from experienced human resources specialists, psychologists, health and wellbeing academics, specialists, and experts, additionally customer experience management professionals, academics in the CX and EX field, under the auspices of The International Customer Experience Institute.

This Vector 6 Model can be adapted and provide structured foundations for every type of organisation globally, whether it be private or public, a huge multi-site conglomerate to an SME who wish to improve Employee Experience and Wellbeing.

Supporting the framework is a research methodology we named the Thermal Pathfinder, a research methodology that really does check the temperature of employees in relation to organisational commitment to providing an excellent employee experience continuously.


Launch Offer

Assess your organisation to our NEW EMPLOYEE HAPPINESS STANDARD

Learn about our Employee Happiness Pledge

The organisation should develop an Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge to support the organisations overall aims and objectives.

We believe this to be first of its kind in the world and is aimed at creating a global movement and commitment and obligation from Owners, Directors, Leaders and Managers to PLEDGE.

That Employee Happiness is an integral part of the organisation’s values policies and culture and that the leadership pledges to:

Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge

Provide the resources, facilities and management to endeavour to ensure Employee Happiness is maximised.

Introduce and sustain Employee Happiness as business as usual throughout the organisation

Promote Employee Happiness throughout the supply chain.

Operate, Publish and Sustain a regular Employee Happiness measurement to sustain continuous improvement

Certified Organisations
Individuals Trained
Auditors & Assessors
Online Assessments

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At the core of the new IDCXS standard is the original 5Ps Service Excellence Model. This was created and developed as part of a study at Brunel University in the UK to identify all the elements within an organisation which impact service quality.


The International Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Standard- IEHWS2023 reflects the dramatically increased international growth in scale, reach and scope of the need for employers to develop practices that deliver happiness levels and actively promote and support wellbeing within their employees.


For private sector organisations in a competitive world, high standards of customer service and experience are often a key differentiator. At the same time, public sector organisations also need to show that they are responsive, reliable and respectful to consumer needs.