IEHWS2023 – International Employee Happiness And Wellbeing Standard

The International Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Standard- IEHWS2023 reflects the dramatically increased international growth in scale, reach and scope of the need for employers to develop practices that deliver happiness levels and actively promote and support wellbeing within their employees as a key factor contributing to the delivery of customer service excellence.

• The primary aim of IEHWS2023 is to motivate organisations to focus their attention on their biggest asset “their Employees” through the delivery of employee happiness and wellbeing promotion techniques.

• This new standard contains, the proven core principles and evolving practices of delivering Employee Happiness to create a flexible yet quantifiable framework for implementing the elements needed to facilitate delivery of Excellence in Employee Happiness and consistently positive employee and customer experiences.

People looking happy at a laptop with drinks on the table

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Is your organisation delivering Employee Happiness and Wellbeing excellence?

Structure of IEHWS2023

IEHWS2023 uses the platform of the Vector 6 Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Model which is based on the 6 criteria PLUS two additional criteria, Measurement of Performance and Performance Results.

Therefore, the IEHWS2023 Standard is structured with the following 8 core criteria.


Each section of IEHWS2023 has a number of criteria. Each criterion has a brief descriptive title to assist in identifying the criterion throughout the assessment, implementation, and reporting process. Within each criterion there is a statement of expectation which the organisation needs to demonstrate has been implemented and adopted through evidence.

The Standard statement provides the direction on what employee focused organisations should be doing to achieve improvements in the employees’ happiness and wellbeing experience the list of requirements detailed in each section provides clear guidance on the stated goals to be achieved.

The sections from 1 to 6 (Vector 6) detail criteria on how employee experience can be monitored, measured, and improved.

Section 7 (Measurement of Performance) details the main measurements needed to conduct a full cycle of employee happiness and wellbeing measurement.

Section 8 (Performance Measurement Results) documents and evidences the research results of the required employee happiness and wellbeing measurements.

The Vector 6 Model

The Vector 6 Model identifies the core CRITERIA that are critical in maintaining a positive, energised, effective and respectful relationships and partnerships between employer and employee for the mutual benefit of each of these parties and their customers.

It is capable of measurement and the results can be analysed by any vertical or horizontal organisational sector and provide for all parties’ guidance for performance analysis and consequent continual improvement.


Vector 6 Model – Structure

FREE Trial Assessment

Is your organisation delivering Employee Happiness and Wellbeing excellence?

Scoring model for IEHWS2023

The Institute has developed a scoring model and concept for the standard to provide an accurate assessment of the organisation’s performance against each of the criterion within IEHWS2023 and to ensure consistency of results allowing, for research purposes, benchmarking, and cross organisational comparisons.


Available Points

Values Led Leadership
Environment and Climate
Career Control
Teamwork Led Supervision
Organisational Effectiveness
Reward and Recognition
Measurement of Performance
Performance Measurement Results



Performance Levels for Accreditation


Level of Excellence

Achieved 90%+ of Requirements

Transformational Leading Organisation

Achieved 75% to 89.9% of Requirements

Practice Expert Organisation

Achieved 55% – 74.9% of Requirements

Pioneering Professional Organisation

Three levels can be achieved dependent upon the organisation’s performance against the criteria of the standard.


Potential Expected Benefits

The potential expected benefits to an organisation implementing the IEHWS2023 Standard are:

  • Provide employees with confidence in the organisation’s employee happiness and wellbeing intentions through independent internationally recognised certification by BSI;
  • Improve employee happiness and wellbeing experiences, employee satisfaction, employee and employer trust driving customer happiness and improving customer feedback results;
  • Increase employee experience of happiness and well-being through operational improvements across all parts of the organisation;
  • Provide organisations with a measurable platform for consistently delivering the highest levels of employee happiness and wellbeing experience;
  • Improve the End-to-End processes that deliver an upper quartile customer experience;
  • Improve employee engagement, focus and understanding of the role employees play in delivering continuously improvement in the customer experience;
  • Maintain workforce stability, productivity, and loyalty throughout the organisation through improved employee happiness and wellbeing;
  • Identify improvements which enhance the employee and customer experience by Implementing Voice of Employee (VoE) measurement across the organisation. This may also yield additional collateral benefits by identifying the cause of other apparently unrelated operational issues;
  • Maintain the delivery of consistent best in class employee happiness and wellbeing;
  • Enhance the reputation of the organisation and brand as an attractive employer for high quality employees.

Pathfinder Surveys

  • P 18 – Temperature of the Organisation
  • P 30 – Pulse of the Organisation
  • P 60 – Strength of the Organisation

Pathfinder surveys are a strategic employee feedback solution developed to enable organisations to identify issues that are negatively impacting Employee Happiness and Wellbeing, whilst allowing organisations to ‘Benchmark’ their performance with other organisations, globally.

P18 Pathfinder Survey

The Pathfinder P18 survey will produce first impression results relating to every aspect of the Vector 6 model. Each Vector has 3 Questions within the P18 survey.

Values Led Leadership


Environment and Climate


Career Control


Teamwork and Supervision


Organisational Effectiveness


Reward and Recognition


P30 Pathfinder Survey

The P30 Pathfinder Survey will produce results relating to the Pulse of your organisation, 30 questions that are crucial and linked directly from the Vector 6 model.

Values Led Leadership


Environment and Climate


Career Control


Teamwork and Supervision


Organisational Effectiveness


Reward and Recognition


P60 Pathfinder Survey

The P60 Pathfinder Survey will produce results relating to the Strength of your organisation, 60 detailed comprehensive questions covering all aspects and linked directly from the Vector 6 model.

Values Led Leadership


Environment and Climate


Career Control


Teamwork and Supervision


Organisational Effectiveness


Reward and Recognition


FREE Trial Assessment

Is your organisation delivering Employee Happiness and Wellbeing excellence?

Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge

Employee Happiness & Wellbeing Pledge

So, what’s the Pledge?

The organisation should develop an Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge to support the organisations overall aims and objectives.

We believe this to be first of its kind in the world and is aimed at creating a global movement and commitment and obligation from Owners, Directors, Leaders and Managers to PLEDGE:


That they will do everything in their power to make their respective organisational workplaces not just great places to work but uphold their commitment to act in accordance with the principles and foundations included within the Vector 6 Framework.

It’s the Employees Pledge to support the vision of the Owners and Leadership team and commit to doing their utmost to make the Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge successful. Organisations can enhance a healthy and supportive work environment, improve morale, enhance employee engagement and productivity.

Taking the Pledge, means a commitment made by the organisation to prioritise the happiness and wellbeing of all employees. The primary goal of the Pledge is to improve the workplace culture through supporting employees not just professionally but also personally.


What is the pledge?

  • The Pledge is a formal promise or commitment made by an organisation and its employees to uphold certain principles, values and responsibilities in relation to Employee Happiness and Wellbeing
  • The Pledge is a declaration of intention to act and behave in a specific way in relation to all things Employee Happiness and Wellbeing.
  • The Pledge is used to demonstrate dedication and accountability to Employee Happiness and Wellbeing throughout the organisation.
  • The Pledge is a way to express the Organisations’ commitment to employee Happiness and Wellbeing beliefs and actions and can be a powerful tool for creating positive change and fostering a sense of responsibility

FREE Trial Assessment

Is your organisation delivering Employee Happiness and Wellbeing excellence?