IDCXN2024 – Digital Channels Customer Experience Navigator

Designed Specifically For Small And Medium Sized Entreprises Around The World Who Are Delivering Their Services “Digitally”

Our new Navigator, IDCXN2024 reflects the increased international growth in scale, reach and scope of digital transformation and services delivered through Digital Channels.

The primary aim of the IDCXN2024 Navigator is to motivate SME organisations to focus their attention on the Digital Customer Experience through the delivery of service excellence techniques.

The new IDCXN2024 Navigator has taken into consideration the evolution of digital services offerings including online, mobile, mobile apps, cloud services, omni channels, AI, IOT and other digital delivery technologies.

This new framework contains, the proven core principles of Customer Experience and combines these with key Customer User Experience (UX) and digital experience considerations and measurables to create a flexible yet quantifiable framework for implementing all elements to facilitate delivery of Digital Service Excellence and a consistently positive customer and user experiences.

Potential Expected Benefits

The potential expected benefits to an organisation implementing the IDCXN2024 Navigator are:

  • Provide customers / users with confidence in the organisation’s digital service excellence delivery through independent internationally recognised certification;
  • Improve customer and user experience, customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer happiness, additionally improve results of customer feedback:
  • Stimulate customer and user experience with digital service excellence improvements across all digital services within the scope of the implementation;
  • Provide organisations with a platform for consistently delivering the highest levels of digital customer service excellence experience;
  • Improve End-to-End digital service reliability, security, robustness, and user experience;
  • Improve employee engagement, focus and understanding the role employees play in delivering continuously improving a digital customer and user experience;
  • Improve employee happiness throughout the organisation;
  • Implementing Voice of Customer (VOC) measurement across all aspects of the end- to-end customer / user journey to assist in identifying improvements across the organisation which in turn enhances the customer / user digital experience;
  • Improve the delivery of digital service excellence and user experience frameworks.

The factors directly influencing the customer’s experience are the “5P” pillars of the ICXI Service Excellence Model. The model has been reviewed, developed, and adapted throughout the past 40+ years to ensure its effectiveness and relevance and key to success in delivering excellent customer experiences. The 5P’s emphasises the importance of the 5 key elements of service excellence which need to be managed and delivered concurrently across all service Measurement of these element forms the essential performance monitoring foundation of the IDCXN2024 Navigator.

  • Policies
  • Places – Premises /Physical Delivery Channels
  • Products / Services
  • Processes & Customer Journey Maps
  • People – Employees and related stakeholders
  • Measurement of Customer Experience Performance
  • Management of Performance Measurement Results
5ps model


Do the Policies enable and set out the parameters for the Products / Services, Delivery Channels, Processes and People and set the framework and priorities for the allocation of resources to deliver service excellence and excellent user experience?

Places – Delivery Channels

Are the digital portals, mobile apps, online platforms etc. the ways by which the customer chooses to access the organisations services designed according to the quality, resilience and robustness needs and expectations of the customer?

Products / Services

How effective are the organisation’s processes in delivering the desired outcome to customers and users across all services? Is the customer experience end to end journey maps defined and measured?

Processes & Customer Journey Maps

How effective are the organisation’s processes in delivering the desired outcome to customers and users across all services? Is the customer experience end to end journey maps defined and measured?


Are the employees sufficiently skilled and motivated to ensure products and services deliver to customer and user needs? Does the whole organisation operate as one cohesive team in service delivery? Does the organisation take employee needs and happiness into consideration when analysing and developing the customers journey? Does the whole organisation function as one team?

Measurement of Performance

Definition and implementation of performance measurement across all the delivery services will identify the strengths and weakness before they become major issues and provide foundations for customer experience service excellence and employee happiness.

Management of Performance Results

How the research and other related performance measures conducted identifies the levels of happiness and satisfaction of customers / users and employees.

IDCXN2024 Navigator Implementaion Journey

This is the typical DCX Navigator “process journey”.

Customer Experience Service Excellence through the JOURNEY implementation of the IDCXN2024 NAVIGATOR. The actual implementation route taken will vary from organisation to organisation according to their status and methods of customer experience and service excellence.

  1. Purchase PDF copy of IDXN2024
  2. Understand the Requirements
  3. Appointing Internal CX Delegate
  1. IDCX2024 Online Assessment
  2. Identification of Performance gaps
  3. Understand the Gaps
  1. Develop Action Plan to Address Gaps
  2. Target Timescales and Milestones
  3. Communication to all Employees
  1. Implement Reports to Management
  2. Progress Reports to Management
  3. Publish to Employees as Necessary
  1. IDCXN2024 Online Assessment
  2. Close any Identified Gaps
  3. Prepare for ICXI Endorsement Assessment
  1. IDCXN2024 Online Self-Assessment
  2. Results Submitted to ICXI for Verification Endorsement
  3. Performance Level Established
  4. ICXI Certificate Issued
  1. Implement Improvement Plan
  2. Annual Online Assessments and Benchmarking
  3. Endorsement Re-Assessment
icxn2024 journey
Assessment, Implement, Endorsement graphic

ICXN2024 Scoring System

The scoring system of IDCXN2024 reflects the relative importance of its components in delivering a high framework of customer / user experience delivered through an organisation’s delivery channels.

There are 1,000 Scoring Points distributed among each of the 7 Criteria according to their weight to reflect their importance in customer experience service excellence delivery.

Each of the criterion within any given section has its own Points. By reviewing the individual criterion core and within the framework of the overall results, the organisation can develop an accurate priority list to address areas where performance in any of the service excellence elements of IDCXN2024 needs to improve.


Available Points

Places – Delivery Channels
Products / Services
Processes & Customer Journey Maps
Measurement of Performance
Management of Performance Measurement Results



% of Points Awarded



Zero evidence of the requirements being achieved.


Evidence of achieving few of the requirements detailed by the Navigator, obtained through documentation or as specified in the criteria.


Evidence of achieving some of the requirements detailed by the Navigator, communicated to employees and other relevant interested parties or as specified in the criteria.


Evidence of achieving majority of the requirements detailed by the Navigator, and of implementation of the requirements or as specified in the criteria.


Evidence of achieving all the requirements detailed by the Navigator, and of employees adopting the requirements or as specified in the criteria.

Endorsement and Recognition can only be provided by ICXI, through the use and scoring using the ICXI Online Assessment Portal.

Formal Endorsement and Recognition of Customer Experience Service Excellence:

There are 4 (four) levels which can be achieved dependent upon the organisation’s performance against the criteria of this CX Navigator:

Level No.

Excellence Level

Performance %



Up to 50%



50.1% – 70%



70.1% – 90%



90.1% +