Customer Happiness on the Horizons: How to achieve Customer Happiness and Loyalty influenced by Happy Employees

Customer Happiness on the Horizons: How to achieve Customer Happiness and Loyalty influenced by Happy Employees


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What’s the book about?

First of all, we go on a journey to explore how the term customer happiness arose – through the past 50 years.

The author helps us understand the value customers place in their experience and how some parts of the customer experience journey have more value to the customer than other parts.

The author defines customer happiness and customer happiness value moments and how to determine these.

We then focus on how to measure customer happiness.

Understanding how organisations can best prepare themselves for providing a happier customer experience through 5Ps and CEM frameworks.

The author introduced us to Customer Experience and CX journey mapping and for the first time “dynamic journey mapping.”

We get to understand how customer happiness will impact on profits.

Finally, the author explains how happy employees impact and influence customer happiness, and how best to improve employee happiness through techniques and tools he has used before, finally how best to measure employee happiness.

A number of improvement tips, tools and techniques are included within the book. The author has himself almost 30 years’ experience as a consultant and trainer throughout the world and he utilizes that experience to produce a book of value.


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