VOC and VOE Pathfinder Surveys

Our VOC and VOE Pathfinder Surveys

ICXI have developed a new Voice of Customer (VoC) and Voice of Employee (VoE) research approach to assist organisations to ask their customers and their employees the “right questions” relevant to their organisation.

Voice of Customer (VoC)

Within our CX Frameworks, our Pathfinder focus is to ensure survey questions relate to the 5Ps Model, P15, P25 and P50 Pathfinder focus relates to the same number of questions from each P.

Example – P15

The Pathfinder P15 contains 3 essential questions from each of the 5Ps, thereby providing us with 5×3 = 15 questions, hence P15.

Voice of Employee (VoE)

Within our EX Frameworks, our Pathfinder focus is to ensure survey questions relate to the Vector 6 Model, P18, P30 and P60 Pathfinder focus relates to the same number of questions from each of the 6 Vectors.

Example – P18

The Pathfinder P18 contains 3 essential questions from each of the 6 Vectors, thereby providing us with 6×3 = 18 questions, hence P18.

P15 Pathfinder VOC Survey

Contains 3 questions from each of the 5P’s Model categories, typically used by organisations to “check the temperature” of the organisations customers, realising the true Voice of Customer (VOC).

Also, typically used by small and medium size entities.

P15 Pathfinder Questions are as follows:

  • The organisation makes their terms and conditions clear to customers?
  • Did the organisation provide all relevant documentation for you?
  • Has the organisation made their operating hours clear to all customers?
  • The organisation’s websites are easy for me to find my way around?
  • The organisation mobile app is always available?
  • The mobile app is easy to navigate and use?
  • The quality of products/services provide good value?
  • All products /services are clearly priced?
  • Did the employee make any refund / replacement / warranties clear to you?
  • Payment/refund processes are clear?
  • Complaints management processes operate well?
  • Did the Assistant show genuine interest in serving you?
  • The people who engage with customers are skilled at what they do?
  • The people in the organisation are helpful and friendly?
  • Was the Assistant serving you knowledgeable about the items being sold?

P25 Pathfinder VOC Survey

Contains 5 questions from each of the 5Ps Model Categories, typically used by organisations to “check the Pulse” of the organisation’s customer Satisfaction.

Also, typically used by medium and large size entities to conduct Customer Experience research.

P25 Pathfinder Questions are as follows:

  • The organisation makes their terms and conditions clear to customers?
  • Did the organisation provide all relevant documentation for you?
  • Has the organisation made their operating hours clear to all customers?
  • The organisation’s websites are easy for me to find my way around?
  • The organisation mobile app is always available?
  • The employees present themselves as skilled professionals?
  • Help is easy to access when required for online engagement?
  • The mobile app is easy to navigate and use?
  • The quality of products/services provide good value?
  • All products /services are clearly priced?
  • Did the employee make any refund / replacement / warranties clear to you?
  • Payment/refund processes are clear?
  • The online purchase process includes 2 Factor Authorisation for all payments?
  • After sales service conforms to expected standards?
  • If promotional discounts were offered, were they clear and observed?
  • The organisation regularly seeks customer views on the customer experience?
  • Complaints management processes operate well?
  • Did the Assistant show genuine interest in serving you?
  • The people who engage with customers are skilled at what they do?
  • The people in the organisation are helpful and friendly?
  • Was the Assistant serving you knowledgeable about the items being sold?
  • The end to end purchase process was made very clear?
  • The experiences I have with the organisation are always good?
  • I am made to feel like a valued customer by those with whom I engage?

P50 Pathfinder VOC Survey

Contains 10 questions from each of the 5Ps Model Categories, typically used by organisations to “check the Strength” of the organisations customer satisfaction.

Also, typically used by large size entities to conduct Customer Experience research.

P50 Pathfinder Questions are as follows:

  • The organisation makes their terms and conditions clear to customers?
  • Did the organisation provide all relevant documentation for you?
  • Has the organisation made their operating hours clear to all customers?
  • The organisation’s websites are easy for me to find my way around?
  • The organisation mobile app is always available?
  • Help is easy to access when required for online engagement?
  • The employees present themselves as skilled professionals?
  • The organisation behaves in a socially responsible way and ethical way

  • The organisation does not exploit cheap labour
  • Customers have confidence the organisation keeps their personal data securely
  • Employees are provided with knowledge and information to serve customers promptly?
  • If you requested to speak to a Manager, was one available?
  • As a customer I feel secure when engaging with the organisation online
  • It is easy for me to find the products or services that I am looking for
  • The organisation has made arrangements for access by special needs customers
  • I can complete every transaction using the mobile app?
  • The mobile app is easy to navigate and use?
  • The quality of products/services provide good value?
  • All products /services are clearly priced?
  • Did the employee make any refund / replacement / warranties clear to you?
  • Payment/refund processes are clear?
  • The online purchase process includes 2 Factor Authorisation for all payments?
  • After sales service conforms to expected standards?
  • If promotional discounts were offered, were they clear and observed?
  • The organisation regularly seeks customer views on the customer experience?
  • The mobile app is secure all of the time?
  • All products/services carry all necessary information
  • All products/ services conform to all relevant legislation
  • Were all the atm / checkout etc machines in working order?
  • Was the promotional material visible and easy to understand
  • If your first choice was not available, did the Assistant offer other options/alternatives?
  • The organisation’s processes are easy to follow
  • It is easy to move from one part of the organisation to another
  • Did the Assistant serving you have a friendly attitude towards you?
  • Complaints management processes operate well?
  • Did the Assistant show genuine interest in serving you?
  • The people who engage with customers are skilled at what they do?
  • The people in the organisation are helpful and friendly?
  • Was the Assistant serving you knowledgeable about the items being sold?
  • The end to end purchase process was made very clear?
  • The experiences I have with the organisation are always good?
  • I am made to feel like a valued customer by those with whom I engage?
  • Was the waiting time to be served acceptable to you?
  • Did any employee bid you farewell upon leaving the branch / centre / outlet?
  • Was the temperature within the location suitable and acceptable for you?
  • Those with whom I deal are not restricted by the organisation in providing good service
  • Did an Assistant introduce themselves to offer you assistance prior to or when you were browsing?
  • How were you greeted by the Assistant who served you?
  • Did you receive prompt service from an Assistant when asking for a specific item or service?

Voice of Employee – Pathfinders

Organisations that regularly measure Employee Happiness and wellbeing are typically the ones that show most success amongst their employees.

To assist in their effort, we have produced 3 levels of Pathfinder Research Surveys, details as follows:

P18 Pathfinder Survey

Contains 3 questions from each of the Vector 6 Model categories, typically used by organisations to “check the temperature” of the organisations Employee Happiness and Wellbeing efforts.

Also, typically used by small and medium size entities to conduct Employee Happiness and Wellbeing research.

P18 Pathfinder Questions are as follows:

  • I have confidence in the leaders of my organisation.
  • The organisation has implemented an Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge.
  • The leaders have communicated clear values and vision for the organisation.
  • My organisation fully adopts an inclusion policy where there is equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, culture or any other diversity issue.
  • My current work life balance is sensible and reasonable.
  • I am encouraged by my organisation to follow a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.
  • My manager regularly discusses my development needs with me
  • Clear “career progression and development opportunities” are available within my organisation.
  • I have regular performance appraisals.
  • My supervisor / manager thanks me when I do a good job.
  • My supervisor / manager cares about me as an individual.
  • There is a good teamwork in the organisation.
  • Everyone knows what they are expected to achieve.
  • I am proud to be a part of the organisation and what it stands for.
  • I am given information regularly about the organisation’s performance.
  • The organisation makes me feel they value my contribution.
  • I receive sufficient reward and recognition for the job I do.
  • I am treated fairly by the organisation.

P30 Pathfinder Survey

Contains 5 questions from each of the Vector 6 Model Categories, typically used by organisations to “check the Pulse” of the organisations Employee Happiness and Wellbeing efforts.

Also, typically used by medium and large size entities to conduct Employee Happiness and Wellbeing research.

P30 Pathfinder Questions are as follows

  • I have confidence in the leaders of my organisation.
  • The organisation has implemented an Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge.
  • The leaders have communicated clear values and vision for the organisation.
  • My organisation fully adopts an inclusion policy where there is equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, culture or any other diversity issue.
  • My current work life balance is sensible and reasonable.
  • I am encouraged by my organisation to follow a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.
  • My organisation’s senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.
  • I derive satisfaction from the organisation’s management and direction.
  • I personally feel loyal and have no intention to leave in next 12 months.
  • I can talk directly to senior management if I need to.
  • My manager regularly discusses my development needs with me
  • Clear “career progression and development opportunities” are available within my organisation.
  • I have regular performance appraisals.
  • My supervisor / manager thanks me when I do a good job.
  • My supervisor / manager cares about me as an individual.
  • There is a good teamwork in the organisation.
  • I have a clearly defined career path and personal development plan.
  • I have the tools and resources I need to do the best job I can every day.
  • I receive regular information about how well my team is performing.
  • My team has regular meetings to develop local improvement actions.
  • Everyone knows what they are expected to achieve.
  • I am proud to be a part of the organisation and what it stands for.
  • I am given information regularly about the organisation’s performance.
  • The organisation makes me feel they value my contribution.
  • I receive sufficient reward and recognition for the job I do.
  • I am treated fairly by the organisation.
  • I understand how my job contributes to organisational effectiveness.
  • The organisation is seen as a responsible corporate citizen.
  • I receive constructive feedback on my work performance.
  • My organisation formally recognises people who do a good job.

P60 Pathfinder Survey

Contains 10 questions from each of the Vector 6 Model Categories, typically used by organisations to “check the Strength” of the organisations Employee Happiness and Wellbeing efforts.

Also, typically used by large size entities to conduct Employee Happiness and Wellbeing research.

P60 Pathfinder Questions are as follows

  • I have confidence in the leaders of my organisation.
  • The organisation has implemented an Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Pledge.
  • The leaders have communicated clear values and vision for the organisation.
  • My organisation fully adopts an inclusion policy where there is equal opportunity for everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, culture or any other diversity issue.
  • My current work life balance is sensible and reasonable.
  • I am encouraged by my organisation to follow a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.
  • My organisation’s senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.
  • I derive satisfaction from the organisation’s management and direction.
  • I personally feel loyal and have no intention to leave in next 12 months.
  • I can talk directly to senior management if I need to.
  • I believe the organisation genuinely cares about its employees’ wellbeing.
  • Leaders ensure my personal workload is balanced and manageable.
  • I feel empowered and trusted to make decisions and act on them.
  • I am encouraged to contribute opinions and suggestions
  • I understand how the organisation’s values affect what I do day to day
  • I have access to resources and programmes that promote mental and physical wellbeing.
  • I am provided with opportunities to take breaks and recharge during my workday.
  • I am encouraged to be innovative and to think about improvement.
  • Employment policies and programmes deliver diversity in the workplace.
  • My manager regularly discusses my development needs with me
  • Clear “career progression and development opportunities” are available within my organisation.
  • I have regular performance appraisals.
  • My supervisor / manager thanks me when I do a good job.
  • My supervisor / manager cares about me as an individual.
  • There is a good teamwork in the organisation.
  • I have a clearly defined career path and personal development plan.
  • I have the tools and resources I need to do the best job I can every day.
  • I receive regular information about how well my team is performing.
  • My team has regular meetings to develop local improvement actions.
  • My performance appraisals fairly reflect my performance.
  • My skills and talents are being utilised effectively within my organisation.
  • I am encouraged to plan my future in the organisation.
  • Promotions in my work unit are based on merit.
  • I receive training relevant to my work.
  • I feel that my immediate supervisor supports my wellbeing and growth.
  • I feel empowered to voice concerns about work related stress or issues affecting my wellbeing.
  • Reward and recognition programmes encourage teamwork.
  • My supervisor / manager coaches me when things go wrong.
  • I respect my supervisor /manager.
  • People are selected for roles in my organisation based on their proven capability.
  • Everyone knows what they are expected to achieve.
  • I am proud to be a part of the organisation and what it stands for.
  • I am given information regularly about the organisation’s performance.
  • The organisation makes me feel they value my contribution.
  • I receive sufficient reward and recognition for the job I do.
  • I am treated fairly by the organisation.
  • I understand how my job contributes to organisational effectiveness.
  • The organisation is seen as a responsible corporate citizen.
  • I receive constructive feedback on my work performance.
  • My organisation formally recognises people who do a good job.
  • I believe the organisation encourages innovation and new ideas.
  • I think the organisation fosters a positive and inclusive work environment.
  • Resources are allocated efficiently to support organisation objectives.
  • Cross departmental communication is effective.
  • The organisation actively supports local/international good causes.
  • I am satisfied with the current Reward and Recognition programmes in my organisation.
  • I think the reward and recognition programmes are fair and transparent.
  • The criteria for reward and recognition are clearly communicated.
  • My supervisor provides me with opportunities to demonstrate my development potential.
  • My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.