EHWF2024 – Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Framework

The People Imperative

The value and necessity of the role of employees in resolving the service quality/customer experience equation has always been well understood. The Covid Pandemic brought this factor into even sharper relief as organisations were required to develop new operational processes and methods to meet the needs of both employees and customers.

A challenge that was met with a highly variable range of success. Part of the reason for some of the less successful approaches may well have been due to neither employer nor employees developing a working relationship based on mutually accepted Models designed to deliver a mutually beneficial outcome.

As the ratio of more digital to less human customer contact increases so the importance of every customer contact with a real employee producing a positive experience is further increased.

In recognising this rising imperative, The International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI) has developed this new Framework as the foundation and structure to assist organisations to dramatically improve Employee Happiness and Wellbeing.

The International Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Framework – EHWF2024

Its aim is to provide organisations of all sizes in all sectors with the means and methodology to create the most positive and productive operational environment possible for the mutual benefit of the customer, the employee, and the organisation.

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Vector 6 – Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Model

The research and development process looked at multiple sources including earlier work on human behaviour from the likes of Frederick Hertzberg, Abraham Maslow, Douglas Macgregor and Dr Michael O’Connor and onto some of the more recent work by several leading Employee Happiness expert individuals and organisations, plus (co-founder of ICXI) Robert Keay’s 6M’s model (developed in 2015 and included within his book on Customer Happiness on the Horizons, as well as the independent contribution of happy employees, all of which contain valued and valuable insights into the relationship and engagement between organisation, employee and customer.

It is an oversimplification to see the employee/customer happiness relationship as a simple linear equation in which the employee is happy, the customer is happy, the boss is happy, and as a result of which good tidings and benefits accrue to all concerned. In practice such relationships are far more dynamic and complex. Their management must be more deeply understood and more carefully managed. The Framework that has been designed to address this potentially complex relationship into clear manageable sections for the Vector 6 Employee Happiness and Wellbeing Model shown in following pages.

As stated, the Institute has engaged and involved experts, academics, employees, HR, and other related professionals in the production of this new Model, and we are confident that all the relevant criteria to deliver Excellence in Employee happiness and Wellbeing are included within this Model.

The Vector 6 Model

The Vector 6 Model identifies the core CRITERIA that are critical in maintaining a positive, energised, effective and respectful relationships and partnerships between employer and employee for the mutual benefit of each of these parties and their customers. It is capable of measurement and the results can be analysed by any vertical or horizontal organisational sector and provide for all parties’ guidance for performance analysis and consequent continual Improvement.

The Core Criteria elements of the model are:


Vector 6 Model – Structure

EHWF2024 Implementation Process

  1. Purchase PDF copy of EHWF2024
  2. Appointing a Board Sponsor
  3. Board Agreement to Proceed
  4. Preparing the Strategic Intent
  5. Training an internal Specialist
  1. EHWF2024 Online Assessment
  2. Identification of Performance gaps
  3. Initial Pathfinder VOC survey
  4. Preparation of Report to the Board
  5. Preparation of the PLEDGE
  1. Action Plan to address Gaps
  2. Allocation of resources
  3. Creation of work team
  4. Target timescales and milestones
  5. Communication to all employees
  1. Develop and test change programme
  2. Implement Changes
  3. Progress Reports to Board
  4. Publish to employees as necessary
  1. EHWF2024 Online Re-assessment
  2. Follow up Pathfinder VOE survey
  3. Close any identified gaps
  4. Request ICXI independent assessment
  1. EHWF2024 Online Assessment
  2. Results Reported
  3. Performance Level established
  1. Performance Improvements Planned
  2. Issue of Accreditation Certificate
  3. Benchmarking with others
  1. Implement Improvement Plan
  2. Employee Training
  3. Continuous 5Ps Monitoring
  4. Online Assessments and Benchmarking
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The Six Dimensions of Implementation Model

The model, represented as an infinity visual, is a step-by-step non-restrictive framework that seeks to assist organisations to develop a continuing improvement process within each of the five dimensions of the ICXI 5P’s Customer Experience Management Model. Organisations can use it as a guide to interrogate and analyse wherein these areas there is scope for improvement.

The model is composed of six dimensions that are closely integrated and linked, three of these are categorised under ‘Importance’ and three are under ‘Performance’.

The 6D Model

  • Provides a step-by-step guide for implementing a CXM approach that manages and exceeds customers’ expectations;
  • Assess an organisation’s position along the path of customer engagement and holistic customer experience management;
  • Integrate marketing, communications, quality, and voice of customer initiatives;
  • Strengthen brand preference by providing a framework for building brand differentiation;
  • Create and design customer experiences and interactions that fulfill their needs and exceeds their expectations;
  • Improve customer loyalty (and create advocacy) through professionally managed customer channels and interactions;
  • Align processes and adopt customer experience management technology;
  • Provide a clear, systematic way of managing both internal and external stakeholders to implement improvement programmes;
  • Guide the development of holistic voice of customers programmes that derive customer insights;
  • Create the basis of multichannel orchestration and seamless cross channel experience.

The 6 Dimensions

The ‘Importance’ dimensions cover how an organisation understands its customer and market needs and expectations to align and develop the organisation to fulfil them. The ‘Performance’ dimensions are how the organisation delivers the developed experiences and continuously analyses voice of customer feedback to innovate and improve experiences.

The infinity starts at the “Define” dimension and is a continuous dynamic loop of analysis development delivery and measurement.

The dimensions of the Model answer the fundamental questions surrounding customer experience management


What do customers expect?


What experiences can be delivered?


How will it be achieved?


How will it be implemented?


Has it worked?


What innovations are required?

Each of the elements of the six dimensions has a definition to explain its objective (objective statement); the definition is then followed by a detailed explanation that describes the expected activities that lead to its achievement (maturity indicators).

The simple aim of the model is to help organisations to better understand what is important to their existing or target customers and to measure their performance in those key areas. The performance gaps providing the content for a performance improvement programme that becomes an ongoing contributor to the development and maintenance of competitive advantage and customer loyalty.

ehwf 6 dimensions

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6D Model – Maturity Scale

The maturity scale concept is an implementation target and assessment methodology that allows organisations to determine their present status versus their targeted maturity objective and plan the work towards its achievement.

This 6D Model maturity is based on a maturity categorisation aligned with other global maturity scales and models.

Organisations can conduct a detailed comprehensive review and assessment to analyse the present maturity status within each of the dimensions and elements within it.

To best utilise the Maturity scale concepts organisations should:

Maturity Model
  • Assess their current maturity level according to the 6D Model Maturity indicators;
  • Determine the maturity level that the organisation is aiming to achieve;
  • Plan and develop a customer experience management implementation utilising the TICXI Model;
  • Follow the framework and dimensions to deliver the required customer experience results;
  • Assess and refine the deployment approaches based on the ongoing monitoring of stakeholders’ feedback and voice of customer insights.

Assessment using the Maturity Scale

The ICXI 6D Model maturity scale is an assessment approach that organisations striving towards customer engagement use to determine their maturity level of their customer experience strategy.

The assessment scoring can also be used by organisations conducting self-assessment and seeking benchmarking with others.

All of the elements within each of the dimensions have its own score. By reviewing the individual level of each element, the organisation can identify areas of strength and weakness and develop an improvement plan to prioritise actions designed to reinforce areas of strength and address areas of weakness.

The underlying scoring system of the maturity scale is based on the six dimensions of the Model weighted according to the relative importance of its components.
There are 1,000 points distributed among the 6 dimensions of the Model.
40% of the assessment scoring is based on the Importance dimensions and 60% are allocated to the Performance dimensions.

Each dimension is assessed according to the Model maturity scale and a defined maturity level.

The individual maturity of an element is based on two factors:

  • Maturity Indicators Scoring 70% of the overall elements’ maturity level. Assessors will use the maturity indicators defined for each of the elements to assess the maturity level of the elements.
  • Achievement of Statement of Objective 30% of the overall elements’ maturity level. Each of the elements is described by a statement of definition. This includes the overall objective of the element in relation to the overall customer experience management strategy.

    Assessor will determine the extent to which organisations have achieved this statement of objective on three levels of achievement. (Fully Achieved, Partially Achieved, Not Yet Achieved) and apply the score accordingly

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